For the days when you’ve reached your breaking point, when yoga and kumbaya just aren’t cutting it, allow me to introduce you to Vagrancy Films.
Now, before you get too excited, let me tell you: this is no art house effort. You will not require an ascot and beret ensemble. You will not be expected to grip your chin and look upwards pensively while you ponder some avant-garde societal commentary. Believe me, this is all crass, no class.
Vagrancy is all about grindhouse, gore, exploitation and kung fu: basically the cheesiest, sleaziest retro garbage you will ever witness on the big screen. While these trashy wares are definitely a riot on their own, the biggest draw to Vagrancy events is the theatre etiquette (or lack thereof I should say). Yelling, screaming, and heckling is not only encouraged but expected. Crude and colorful is the name of the game.
If you think this is a little too lowbrow for your taste, think of the satisfaction you get when you stub your toe and have an outburst of profanity.
Good social etiquette? – No.
Borderline anger mismanagement? – Perhaps.
Indulgent as hell? – You bet.
Now multiply that experience by about a hundred: that’s the Vagrancy way.
If you’d like to give it a try for yourself, join the Facebook group. Upcoming events include:
George A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead on 35mm at Rainbow Cinema
(Rainbow Cinemas, Galleria Mall, October 26th at 9:15)

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