Sometimes an arresting episode isn’t something moving and artistic. Sometimes it’s not pretty. Sometimes it’s a full-on crazed catharsis. Because sometimes someone just needs to say it. Today that someone is me.

photo by David Waldorf
- Yes, I have a cough. Yes, I realize a cough is one of the symptoms of the H1N1 flu. But let’s be honest – so long as I’m not coughing up vomit I probably don’t need to be ostracized from polite society.
- While I understand that it’s getting colder and there is an increasing need to bundle up, pairing your warm fuzzies with flip-flops is not only seasonally confused but just plain unintelligent. You are literally serving yourself up to illness on a rubber platter. Give your head a shake and then PLEASE put on some actual shoes.
- Hand sanitizer does not make you invincible. Most of the dispensers are conveniently located at high-traffic entrances so 90% of people lube themselves up and then immediately touch a door handle. The amount of bacterial breeding passed on in that single transaction is no match for some diluted alcohol solution. You are totally re-contaminated. AND now you have dry skin.
- If you are sick, please consider the following before you even think of complaining:
-Were you at any point traipsing around downtown in the zero degree temperatures without a coat on this weekend? (Ladies, were you doing so in a mini-dress with bare legs?)
-Did you stay out past last call and then make a stop off at Sammy Souvlaki’s?
-Did you spend the next day restlessly sleeping off a hangover?
-Was there a last minute homework marathon to catch up on Sunday night?
If you answered yes to any of these, suck it up, you were asking for it.
- If you really are sick with H1N1, what are you doing on campus complaining about it? No one thinks you’re a trooper. Go home and stop infecting the rest of us.
Huh… I feel better now.
Well said. Too many people are not following the simple logical steps to staying in a healthy state.
This sorta thing should be discussed more often. Keep up the good work.
Andrew Hachey
Well written. I believe people should stop stressing so much of this swine flu, and just give it that you could just have a mild cold or flu. Keep up the great writing :)
I totally agree with your post. People should stop complaining about being sick and start doing something other then running around in summer clothes. Coming to class and infecting the rest of us is probably not the nicest thing to do either. (I especially liked number 3 because I am one of those people who sanitizes before I leave, but now that I think about it, touching the door handle just makes me unsanitary again)
- Well written post, I'm glad someone agrees with me, anyone with a cold should not be targetd as an H1N1 victim!
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