As the late great Marilyn Monroe reminds us, some like it hot. And why shouldn’t they? After all, a lot of good things get your blood boiling and your temperature on the rise.
Think heavy breathing…
Think sweaty enduring contortions…
and I’m sure you’re thinking about…

HOT YOGA!!! (Get your mind out of the gutter).
Hot yoga, also referred to as moksha, is basically just a series of yoga postures done in a heated room. It sounds simple but I assure you, it’s like kama sutra with your clothes on – you will never sweat so much from stretching and breathing.
You’ll also never reap so many benefits for such little effort. Moksha yoga is great for lowering stress and weight while boosting your cardio, energy and immune system. For those of you practically living in the library right now, hunching and squinting over your books for hours at a time, moksha yoga is the ideal defense against stiffness and headaches. It’s even a known fighter of depression (in case your midterm season has come to that).

So try it yourself. If you’re here in London, check out Moksha Yoga London downtown. They have an awesome intro special - $20 for a week of unlimited classes or $7 for the Karma or Community classes that run on Friday and Sunday nights.
Even if you find it’s not your thing, at least you can brag about doing something that sounds spiritual and exotic. Or you could brag about getting all hot and sweaty in a group setting... Either way. Up to you.
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