It would seem that after our Indian summer, the doom and gloom has finally set in. With midterms approaching and H1N1 paranoia literally lurking behind every door (seriously, note the hand sanitizer dispensers), it’s hard to feel optimistic. That’s when my latest idea bloomed.
Get some flowers. Real ones; the silk ones you doused in “floral notes” don’t count.

According to, flowers increase energy, happiness, compassion and kindness while reducing worry, anxiety and depression.
Having trouble dragging yourself out of bed before noon? Harvard found that flowers are a natural morning mood booster.
Is ProcrastiNation quickly becoming your new home? Texas A&M found that flowers promote innovative thinking, idea generation, problem solving and creativity.
You can also benefit from the colors you choose. According to blue encourages calm, yellow and green boost happiness, and red and violet promote energy (no wonder red roses are the bouquet of love - wink-wink).
Best of all, your bank account need not suffer for your botany. Check out your grocery store; I can usually pick up a prefab bouquet for less than ten bucks at my local Metro. Farmers markets are also great options (Londoners, try the Covent Garden Market downtown).
So next time you run out for milk, check out the floral section and see for yourself. The world may look rosier tomorrow.
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