December 1, 2009

Spiraling Under Control

So it’s about that time of year (and I’m sure you’re feeling it too) when everything just seems to be spiraling out of control. My to-do list keeps stacking up, my apartment is absolutely filthy and my hair hasn’t been anything but jammed into a ponytail or shoved under a hat for two weeks.

Ahh yes, it’s a beautiful life.

So when I saw this, I couldn’t help but giggle. My mom emailed me a link to an online Spirograph tool – yea, that’s right – SPIROGRAPH!! You remember the bright colored plastic disks that you stuck a pen in and swirled around to make awesome designs? Well some nostalgic soul has put one together online.

It’s simple but it’s sweet. Plus, you get a strange sense of satisfaction watching it spin… or maybe that’s just the sleep deprivation and extreme caffeination finally getting to me.

Either way. Small victories people. 


Anonymous said...

How can you forget that!! They were the best. I felt like a true artist when using those. I gotta check this link out!!


Anonymous said...

Takes me back! Apparently. you can purchase vintgae sets on ebay for BIG MONEY! Wish I had kept mine.

Sonya Gilpin said...

Yea that's what I heard - I should have kept mine. I'm almost positive I had that exact box.

emily said...

omg so sweet!!! its like the cool way to scribble!!!

Philip Zave said...

I love toys!!! The spirograph is particularly awesome because it actually looks like what you are doing is important.

Jenna said...

I totally forgot about that! It was such an amazing toy-type-thing (Im not sure what category it falls under?!) Maybe I'll pull it out and play with it when I'm super stressed with exams!

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