As the saying goes: all is fair in love and war. Well, whether you love them or hate them, you can’t deny they make up a fair looking group.

Katherine Hepburn by Cecil Beaton
To commemorate the 95th anniversary of its debut (and the 25th anniversary of its modern resumption) Vanity Fair has teamed up with the National Portrait Gallery in London, England to present a star-studded array of almost 150 iconic photographs from both its vintage period and modern periods.
Vanity Fair has always been on the front lines of cultural cosmopolitanism and nowhere is that more clear than this exhibit. The subjects include everyone from Ernest Hemingway, Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso to Cary Grant, Madonna, and Tom Cruise. The photographic credits are no less impressive, including Harry Benson, Man Ray, and of course Annie Leibovitz.
The exhibit’s on at the ROM until January 3rd. This is the only Canadian stop for the exhibition plus, only the ROM will give you an exclusive peek at a portrait of Lord Conrad Black with his wife, Barbara Amiel. Don’t miss it.
Hilary Swank by Norman Jean Roy
omg i wanna goooo!!!!!!
Hilary Swank is so ripped it's actually terrifyingly awesome. Aside from that comment, I think we should have a field trip and GO!
I know!! I don't know what's more amazing - her actual body or the photographer getting it on film EXACTLY like that. Blows. My. Mind.
Let's all definitely go!!!
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